It hits you all at once sometimes. One day, you're watching your dog leap effortlessly into the car, and the next, you notice a hesitation—a small sign that the years of hard work and play are starting to take their toll. You know it’s not due to lack of motivation. Suddenly you feel like your breath was taken away from you. It’s that realization that your dog isn’t as young and spry as they used to be. Their body is feeling the negative effects of aging.
If you’re like me, you’ve probably spent countless hours marveling at how amazingly athletic our sport and working dogs can be. But as they age, our role in their lives shifts—we’re not just their trainers, handlers, partners, and best friends. We’ve become their guardians through the journey of aging.
Here’s the thing…
Aging gracefully isn’t just about managing the inevitable or making adjustments as our dogs grow older. It's about proactive prevention. It starts now, no matter your dog's age. Whether you’re raising a high-energy puppy or caring for a dignified senior, there are actionable steps you can take today to help ensure their senior years are filled with comfort and quality. To help guide you on this journey, I’ve compiled some essential thoughts and tips.
Maintain Optimal Body Condition
Keeping your dog in excellent physical condition is crucial. I like using the Purina Body Condition System to monitor my own dogs’ body condition and to educate others on what proper condition looks like. Scoring a 4-5 means your dog is just right—not too thin, not too heavy—saving their joints and organs from the extra strain of excess weight. A fit body in youth sets the foundation for fewer health issues as age creeps in.
Hydration is Key
Proper hydration goes beyond giving extra water on a hot, humid day. It’s about ensuring your dog’s body works optimally. This is especially crucial as their kidneys begin to age. I always make sure my dogs have access to fresh water, and I sometimes need to add something tasty to it to ensure they drink enough. Remember, winter hydration is just as critical as summer hydration! If you missed my previous blog, “Beat the Freeze: How Hydration Fuels Year-Round Health,” be sure to check it out.
Nutritional Adjustments
Nutritional needs change with age, and what worked for a young, active dog might not suit a senior. Early on, I added supplements to my dogs’ diet to support their joints, helping to ensure their golden years are comfortable. It’s imperative to emphasize joint health before they start showing signs of aging. Additionally, be aware that you will likely have to make adjusts to your dog’s diet over time as their body, energy level, and daily activities change. Be proactive rather than reactive to their nutritional needs. Also, don’t forget to keep an eye on that body condition score! Don’t let the extra weight sneak up on them.
Consistent Mental and Physical Stimulation
The old adage "use it or lose it" applies just as much to our canine companions. Even though my dogs Bacci and Knoxx transitioned from the demanding world of protection sports to detection work as they aged, they remained vibrant and mentally engaged doing work they loved. As Bacci's mobility declined, his mobility harness became an essential tool for continuing to explore the great outdoors together. Providing daily mental and physical challenges is essential to maintain your dog’s health and happiness, regardless of their age.
Special Considerations and Modifications
As they age, our dogs might need a little extra help with other modifications. Bacci benefited immensely from acupuncture for his aches, and a mobility harness gave him a new lease on life when his strength and mobility declined. Don’t hesitate to adapt their environment to their needs—orthopedic beds, ramps to get in and out of the car, and even a warm jacket for chilly mornings can mean the world to them.
Support Their Golden Years with Dedicated Care
Staying on top of your dog’s health through regular vet visits and being open to adjustments in their routine and medical care are paramount. But beyond the physical care, I found connecting with individuals and communities that understand the unique journey of aging dogs was extremely helpful. Sharing stories and support helps us navigate the heartache and joy of watching our devoted partners grow old.
In the end, aging isn't just a challenge to overcome. It's a privilege to accompany our beloved companions through every phase of their lives, adapting and learning with them. They may not be the spry puppies they once were, but every day with them is a treasure, a lesson in resilience, and a testament to the depth of our bond.
Cheerish every moment with them!
- Erica Boling, PhD
P.S. Are you struggling with the loss of a loved one? You might find some comfort through my blog Grief's Journey: Resources & Hope.
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